Where Conversations Brew Learning
What is a virtual language café?
Virtual language cafés are online meet-ups where people who want to practice speaking a foreign language can come together in a relaxed, judgment-free setting. Each language café session is led by a language café host, a barista, who helps guide the conversation around fun topics related to the language and the language learners' interests.
We currently offer language cafés in 8 languages:
English, Mandarin, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Swedish, and Finnish.
Mind-blowing reasons to join
Shared learning
Engaging hosts
Participate from anywhere
Which language would you like to practice?
- Read More
Puhu suomea enintään 5 muun suomen kieltä harjoittelevan kanssa kielikahvilan järjestäjän seurassa!
9 euros - Read More
Perfect for beginners & HSK 1-2 learners: practice key phrases, build vocabulary, and boost fluency!
3.99 euros - Read More
Speak English with up to 5 other English language learners accompanied by a language café host!
9 euros - Read More
Prata svenska online med upp till 5 andra som lär sig svenska tillsammans med en språkcafévärd!
9 euros - Read More
Diskutera på svenska med upp till 5 andra som lär sig svenska tillsammans med en språkcafévärd!
7 euros - Read More
Öva din svenska tillsammans med andra Nordjobbare och Nordjobb Sverige!
- Read More
Parla italiano con un massimo di altri 5 appassionati della lingua accompagnati da un animatore!
9 euros - Read More
Parle français avec jusqu'à 5 autres apprenants, guidés par un animateur du café linguistique !
9 euros - Read More
¡Habla español con un máximo de otros cinco entusiastas de la lengua acompañados por un animador!
9 euros - Read More
Sprich Deutsch mit bis zu 5 anderen Deutschlernenden, begleitet von einem Sprachcafé-Gastgeber!
9 euros

Why join a virtual language café?

Who are we, though?
United by Passion for Languages
What happens when two Finns meet in Montreal, Canada? Well, nothing at first. In fact, it wouldn't be until two years later that the duo, we, Thomas and Kasper, would discover our shared passion: creating a comfortable space for people to practice speaking a foreign language while connecting with others. This is also what we want Articulatte as a language café platform to represent to all language learners: community, companionship, and collective learning.
Contact Us
Are you interested in joining a virtual language café, but still have questions? Please contact us and we'll be happy to help!